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文档介绍:Writing Science
Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education
Series Editor: Allan Luke
James Cook University of North Queensland
Literacy remains a contentious and polarized educational, media and political issue. What has
emerged from the continuing debate is a recognition by many critical researchers and theorists
that literacy in education is allied closely with matters of language and culture, ideology and
discourse, knowledge and power.
This new series of monographs and anthologies draws together critical, cross-disciplinary
work on language and literacy in a format accessible to researchers and students of education. its
aim is to peting discourses and alternative practices to the extant technical literature
which offers ‘state of the art’ insights and ‘how to’ formulas for the achievement of literacy
narrowly conceivedas individual, psychological skills. Drawing perspectives variously from crrtical
social theory and cultural studies, poststructuralism and feminisms, sociolinguistics and the
ethnography munication, social history parative education, the contributors to
this series begin a critical interrogation of taken-for-granted assumptions which have guided
educational policy, research and practice.
Social Linguistics and Literacies:
Ideology in Discourses
James Paul Gee, Uniwrsity ofSolrrhrrn Calijbvnia, L.‘SA
With Literacy and Justice for All:
Rethinking the Social in Language and Education
Carole Edelsky, Arizona Statr University, USA
A Critical Theory of Public Life:
Knowledge, Discourse and Politics in an Age of Decline
Ben Agger. State University ofNew York, Buffalo, L’SA
Word Perfect:
Prospects for Literacy in puter Age
Myron Tuman, The University ofAlabama, USA
Knowledge, Culture and Power:
International Perspectives on Literacy as Policy and Practice
Edited by Peter Freebody, Griffith University and Anthony R. Welch, The L’nivmity of’Sydney.
The Insistence


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