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[英语学习]英语六级词汇汉语意思例句 实用打印版.doc

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[英语学习]英语六级词汇汉语意思例句 实用打印版.doc


文档介绍:Day 1
Adhere 坚持支持粘着追随使黏附
China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
Cherish 珍爱;怀抱
I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!
Ascribe 归因于;归咎于
]The agency ascribed the temperature climb mainly to increased greenhouse gases emissions, cyclical temperature fluctuations and less cold air generated from the Arctic.
Coincide 一致,符合;同时发生
Her taste in music coincides with her husband’s.
Overwhelm 征服压倒淹没受打击
Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.
Overwhelming 压倒性的势不可挡的淹没
Beijing took an overwhelming majority of votes and won the Olympic bid.
Pursuit 追赶,追求;嗜好,工作
We’ve simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.
Comply 遵守;顺从,遵从;答应
China will ply with the universally acknowledged market rules.
Conspicuous 显著的;显而易见的
The house standing on the island is very conspicuous.
endeavo(u)r 努力尽力
Despite our best endeavors, we couldn’t get the machine started.
Homogeneous 均匀的;齐次的;同种的
Milk and cream are homogeneous foods, and they are both dairy products.
Immerse 沉浸;使陷入
She was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper.
Indulge 满足;纵容;使高兴沉溺
Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?
Persistent 坚持不懈的;持久稳固的
She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.
Retrieve 检索恢复重新得到取回
The shopkeeper went to the window and retrieved Reuben’s treasure.
Revive 复兴复活苏醒重演回想
Peter tried to revive the frozen robin; but it was stone-dead.
Suppress 抑制;***;废止
All these movement were suppressed by the government.
Testify 证明,证实;作证
This excellent book testifies to the author’s ability.
Accustom 使****惯于
The hunter is trying to accustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.
Ambiguous 模糊不清的;引起歧义的
That’s a rather ambiguous answer-what exactly do you mean?
Ascend 上升;登高;追溯
Step by step the ladder is ascended.
Billionaire 亿万富翁,巨富
The billionaire is campaigning for political reform.
Brisk 敏锐,活泼,轻快;凛冽
Taking a b
