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文档介绍:Differences in Diet Attribution
Differences in the Nature
Differences in Dietary Patterns
Differences in Concepts
Western diet tends to be scientific and rational, but the Chinese
diet tends to be art and sentimental. During the underdevelop-
ment era of diet, these two trends have only one aim – to live
and never be hungry. And when the dietary culture is full deve-
loped, the tendency is shown in this different purpose: the for-
mer is in the development of nutrition, the latter is expressed
as the stress on the flavor.
Difference in Diet Attribution
Difference in the Nature
Differences in the nature of the Chinese and western diet are
inosculated with the respective lifestyle and the pace of life. In
the west, people do the duplication of pipeline operations, and
implement piece-wage system, so the paces of their lives are
so fast. People fall under the mechanical method either inten-
tionally or unintentionally, and believe that "Work is work, and
game is game."But China is not, "The game is work, and the
work is of a game”. Such life manner is also emerged in diet.
A baker sells bread in the street, he likes using the rolling pole
to beat the chopping board rhythmically when they knead flour.
When the cooks fry a dish, even beating scoop, they also care
the sense of rhythm during cooking. These would not work for
any conveniences, but i


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