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电子工业专用设备设计手册 一般设计资料 1979.pdf

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电子工业专用设备设计手册 一般设计资料 1979.pdf

上传人:阳仔仔 2018/3/27 文件大小:32.56 MB


电子工业专用设备设计手册 一般设计资料 1979.pdf



一、动名词: 形式同现在分词. 基本用法:
1)作主语:Seeing is believing. Talking is easier than doing. It’s no use waiting here.
2) 作宾语:When he came in,we all stopped talking . He has given up smoking.
★动词enjoy appreciate imagine risk consider,escape practise delay,put off, finish , mind,suggest ,avoid miss , excuse后加动名词doing作宾语
3)作表语:My hobby(爱好)is collecting stamps . His job is washing and cooking.
4) 作定语:This is her father’s walking stick.
3. 动名词的复合结构形式:his/him working there Wang Dong’s/Wang Dong working there
1) 作主语:Your smoking too much will do harm to your health.
2) 作宾语:I don’t like his/him staying with us.
3) 作表语:My joy is his winning the table-tennis game.(his不能改为him)
4. 动名词的完成式:动名词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,则要用完成式。例如:
We were praised for pleted our task ahead of time.
在remember, forget, regret, excuse, apologize等动词之后,某些介词后,或某些****惯用语中,用动名词的一般式就可以表示完成式的概念。例如:
I remember lending him some money before. He forgot telling me that.
After finishing his homework, he went out for a walk.
5. 动名词的被动式
例如:The problem is far from being settled.
I still remember being invited(代替having been invited)by a famous artist when I was in Shanghai.
★ need, require, want等后接动名词的主动式表示被动意义。
①单独作定语前置,如: touching story boiled water developing countries a growing city = a city that is growing
②分词短语作定语后置: Who is the man standing (= that is standing) by the door?
They are problems left (= which have been left) over by history.
a. 表示正在进行的动作, (变为从句时要用进行时态), 如:
Tell the children playing there (who are playing there) not to make so much noise.
Did you see the man talking (who was talking) to the manager?
b. 表示经常性的动作, 或现在(或当时) 的状态, (变为从句时, 用一般时态), 如:
They lived in a room facing (= that faced) the south.
The house standing (= that stands) at the corner of the street was built in 1955.