文档介绍:研究范围: 茶亭街Study Area: Tea Pavilion Street
现有土地利用Existing Land Use
限制图Constraints Plan
历史古城与新城结构设想-宝塔: 传统地标与新地标Structuring Concept for Historic and New City-Pagoda: Traditional and New Landmarks
现有情况/ 限制Existing Situation/Constraints
Poor sense of arrival, pedestrian unfriendly
Demolition Zone 拆卸区
Neglected River System
Disparate building
height and uneven
development edge 不同的建筑物高度及不均等的发展边缘
Transportation concept
Reduce traffic volume on 817 road to create pedestrian friendly environment
交通改善Transportation Improvements
Bus and taxi route 公共汽车及出租车路线
交通改善Transportation Improvements
Peripheral feeder roads to car parks 周边的支流道路至停车场 and underground bicycle parking
交通改善Transportation Improvements