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文档介绍:What readers are saying about
Everyday Scripting with Ruby
What a wondrous collection of recipes, guidelines, warnings, compre-
hensive examples, metaphors, exercises, and questions! It’s a terrific
value to software testing practitioners who want to get the most from
their test automation effort.
Grigori Melnik
Lecturer, University of Calgary
A fantastic type-along-with-me introduction to a powerful scripting
language that starts in the shallows and then moves into the depths
turning the reader into an plished Ruby scripter, almost with-
out them noticing it!
Erik Petersen
Finally a hands-on book that is filled with gems of wisdom for the test-
munity. By following the book’s easy-to-read chapters, real-life
code samples, and superb coverage plex topics like test-driven
design and inheritance, a tester will not only take her testing career to
the next level but also contribute immensely to the software develop-
ment at anization.
Gunjan Doshi
VP of Product Development and Process Excellence,
Community Connect, Inc
Marick explains the Ruby language using a series of short, practical
examples. Watir users and other testers who want to learn Ruby will
find it very accessible.
Bret Pettichord
Lead Developer, Watir
When you’ve read this book, you will be able to automate software
tests, which will give you an edge on most of your QA workmates. You
will be able to program in Ruby, which is a joy in itself. You will have
created several very useful utilities and will know how to adapt them
to meet your particular needs. All of the above will have been achieved
briskly and pleasantly. You will e a more effective tester and,
most likely, will have a fine time in the process.
e Hawthorne
Consultant, Oblomov Consulting
The book is an excellent read, is very informative, and covers a lot of
ground in a relatively slim book. I think this is always a good idea.
I have a lot of 800+ page tech books that I’ve read about the fir


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