文档介绍:more information – 1107013100
munication Theory
Information and Influence
The explanation of munication by means of concepts such as
information, meaning and reference is one of the central foundational issues in
animal behaviour studies. This book explores these issues, revolving around
questions such as:
What is the nature of information?
What theoretical roles does information play in munication
Is it justified to employ these concepts in order to explain animal
What is the relation between animal signals and human language?
The book approaches the topic from a variety of disciplinary perspectives,
including ethology, animal cognition, theoretical biology, evolutionary biology,
philosophy of biology and philosophy of mind. prehensive introduction
familiarises non-specialists with the field and leads on to chapters ranging from
philosophical and theoretical analyses to case studies involving primates, birds
and insects. The resulting survey of new and established concepts and
methodologies will guide future empirical and theoretical research.
ULRICH E. STEGMANN is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of
Aberdeen, UK. After training initially as a biologist, he subsequently switched to
philosophy and now specialises in Philosophy of Biology. He was awarded a
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and has previously worked
at King’s College London and at the Universities of Cambridge and Bristol.
Information and Influence
Edited by
Ulrich E. Stegmann
University of Aberdeen, UK
cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, Sa˜o Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title: 1107013100
© Cambridge University Press 2013
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