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上传人:mh900965 2018/4/12 文件大小:30 KB




文档介绍:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
I’m XXX. It is my great honor to give my speech here. I’m the local person in Ningbo, so today I will talk about local specialty and places of interest in Ningbo.
As we know, Ningbo is a beautiful city bordering on the East China Sea. And it is located in the middle of the mainland coast-line and the south of Yangtze [ˈjæŋtsi] River Delta. Ningbo is indeed an important port city in China and the economic center of South Yangzi River Delta.
First of all, I want to introduce some local specialties in Ningbo. It is widely known that Ningbo is famous for its seafood, such as Samoan [səˈməuən] crab、Mud snail and so on.
Samoan crab(or green crab) is the famous seafood of Ningbo. It’s big in size and quite tasty, which is usually seen on the dining table, especially when it is in Spring Festival.
Mud snail, is a local specialty of Ningbo, which looks very especial in its shape. Mud snails can be seen in the coastal areas of Ningbo.
Besides, Ningbo snacks are also very famous and popular in China. Such as sweet dumpling、rice cake、Xi kou Qian ceng Cookie and so on.
I think sweet dumpling is one of the main snacks in Ningbo and it has a long history. In our tradition, we usually taste sweet dumpling when it is in Lantern festival, which blesses every family to make a reunion [ˌri:ˈju:niən].
And for rice cake, it can be seen in snack bars


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