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文档介绍:Section A
B11. A) Nick can’t go on studying because he has to work in a steel plant.
B) Nick has earned enough money for his senior year.
C) Nick prefers working in a steel plant to going to college.
D) Nick doesn’t have enough money so he will work during his senior year.
B12. A) Writing an article.
B) Studying for a chemistry test.
C) Shopping for shoes.
D) Reading a magazine.
B13. A) Save time by using puter.
B) By her puter.
C) Borrow Mary’puter.
D) Stay home plete her paper.
A14. A) He didn’t get the book he needed.
B) He had no idea where his book was.
C) The library is closed on weekends.
D) He was not allowed check out the book.
C15. A) He needs another job as a research assistant.
B) He has asked Professor Williams for assistant.
C) He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.
D) He is dong research with Professor Williams.
A16. A) The man is thinking about taking a new job.
B) The man likes the job that enables him traveling.
C) The man is sure that he can gain more money by taking the job.
D) The man doesn’t want to stay home and take care of his child.
A17. A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class.
B) She’s writing some books about world classics.
C) She’s met some of the world’s best writing.
D) She’s just back from a trip around the world.
C18. A) Move out of the South Dorm.
B) Find a bigger room.


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