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文档介绍:I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time, as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sunlight and set out to e what I became.
——《Interview with the Vampire》
They no heartbeat and pulse, no breath, no body temperature.
They have no heartbeat no pulse, no breath, and no body temperature. But they are young, beautiful and immortal(永生的).
Kindred (血族)
Actually ,the vampire itself is not evil . When he es the vampire in the early time, he usually retains his humanity. He thinks he can be what he was as before. But in fact, he begins to fear the sun and heat and can not go out during the day . he finds he must take other people’s blood to maintain his life. In the first ,he will try to restrain their behaviors, but the nature will eventually prevail(战胜), he will understand thoroughly that he is not the ordinary people. Because of his own constitution, he won’t get older. Then he sees his relatives and friends have just died. He will view the human as small creatures .So he has no reason and no need to respect and care for mankind. He despises humans and give birth to a strong jealousy, eventually, he e a evil.
A lot of information show that vampires are afraid of many things, such as garlic(大蒜), holy water(圣水), and wood piles(木桩). Most of these rumors are not true. Vampire fear most what is the sun.
Caine murdered his brother Abe
In11th century, some one found the dead ’s leave the grave with the intact body. So the rumors were spread . The superstition(迷信) of vampires had not e into being until 14th century.
Bram Stoker created the modern vampires by his book 《Dracula》. “Dracula” is a name of a Romania captain in ancient time. But he is curel . His name means “ devil” in Romanian which inspired Bram. Since then, about 160 films have Dracula as a hero, more than 600 films related to the Count Dracula.
Vampire Epic