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A step-by-step solution to a problem is called
a. hardware b. an operating system c. puter language d. an algorithm
FORTRAN and COBOL are examples of
a. hardware b. operating systems c. computer language d. algorithms
In extended ASCII, each symbol is bits. a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
When you want to download music to puter, the audio signal must be
a. sample b. quantized c. coded d. all of the above
If the ASCII code for Z is 1011010, then the ASCII code for z is
a. 1011011 b. 1011110 c. 1111010 d. 0011010
In number representation, 1111 in memory represent -0.
a. unsigned integer b. sign-and-magnitude c. one’plement d. two’plement
The precision of the fractional number stored in puter is defined by the
a. sign b. exponent c. mantissa d. any of the above
Which number representation method is most widely used for storing number in puter?
a. two’plement b. sign-and-magnitude c. one’plement d. unsigned integer
For the binary operator, if the input is two 1’s, the output is 0
a. AND b. OR c. XOR d. all of the above
In the method to synchronize the operation of the CPU with the I/O device, a large block of data can be passed from an I/O device to memory directly. a. programmed I/O b. interrupt-driven I/O c. DMA d. isolated I/O
The three steps in the running of a program on puter are performed in this specific order. a. fetch, execute, and decode b.