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文档介绍:3D Printing And Architecture
Content validity:
Inventor introduction
Technical introduction
Building development course
Case introduction
Picture show
Development status and problems
Inventor introduction
3D printer is an amazing printer designed by a Italy inventor named Enrico Dini. In order to test the large printer, Enrico Dini as the world's first green Utopia "Norman pany in Abu Dhabi to build the Masdar city", print the skeleton wall part of the building, the results proved , he is working with Norman Forster architectural pany and Alta pany, research and design of a 3D printer can print the use of lunar dust, then you can quickly build a human base on the moon.
恩里科·迪尼(Enrico Dini)
Technical introduction
3D printer, a machine that is rapid prototyping technology, it is a digital model of a file, the use of powdered metal or plastic material can be bonded to construct an object layer by layer by way of printing technology. In the past, it was used in mold manufacturing, industrial design and other fields. It is now being used in direct manufacturing of some products, which means that this technology is ing popular.
Its principle is: the data and raw materials into the 3D printer, the machine will be in accordance with the procedures to create a layer of products. Print out products that can be used immediately
Building development course
In January 2013, an architect in Holland said they wanted to build a building with 3D printing technology, which is expected to pleted in 2014.
2014, Holland DUS architects are using a large 3D printer named KamerMaker "build" the world's first 3D printing residential buildings. Building code named "CanalHouse", a total of 13 rooms. The entire project has begun in Amsterdam, a piece of open space on the Northern Canal, laying the foundation, is expected to pleted in 3 years to build.
In early 2015, a surplus 3D printing Suzhou held "new green building global conference, pany showed a 3D print