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上传人:紫岑旖旎 2012/7/18 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:1. Which of the following, if true, pletes the argument below? Comparisons of the average standards of living
of the citizens of two countries should reflect the cit-
izens' comparative access to goods and services.
Reliable figures in a country's own currency for the
average e of its citizens are easily obtained.
But it is difficult to get an parison of
average standards of living from these figures.
(A) there are usually no paring how
much of two different currencies must be
spent in order to purchase a given quantity of
goods and services
(B) wage levels for the same job vary greatly from
country to country, depending on cultural as
well as on purely economic factors
(C) these figures must be calculated by dividing the
gross national product of a country by the
size of its population
(D) comparative access to goods and services is only
one of several factors relevant in determining
quality of life
(E) the wealth, and hence the standard of living, of
a country's citizens is very closely related to
their e
2. The level of lead contamination in United States riv-
ers declined between 1975 and 1985. Federal regula-
tions requiring a drop in industrial discharges of lead
went into effect in 1975, but the major cause of the decline was a 75 percent drop in the use of leaded gasoline between 1975 and 1985.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the
claim that the major cause of the decline in the level
of lead contamination in United States rives was
the decline in the use of leaded gasoline?
(A) The level of lead contamination in United States
rivers fell sharply in both 1975 and 1983.
(B) Most of the decline in industrial discharges of
lead occurred before 1976, but the largest
decline in the level of river contamination
occurred between 1980 and 1985.
(C) Levels of lead contamination in rivers fell
sharply in 1975-1976 and rose very slightly
over the next nine years.
(D) Levels of lead contamination ro


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