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上传人:JZZQ12 2018/5/1 文件大小:47 KB




文档介绍:CRH 中国高速铁路(China Railways High-speed)
bullet train 动车
conductor 列车长
car attendant; train attendant 列车员
waiting room 候车室
dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车
Free of charge 免费
window seat 靠窗座位
make a broadcast 广播一下,broadcasting room 广播室
Ladies and gentlemen,女士们先生们:
Security check, please!请安检!
No smoking here
What’s the matter? 您怎么了?
Mind your steps. 注意脚下
Ticket, please. Have your ticket back. 您的票!请把票那好。
This way, please. Follow me, please. 请这边走。请跟我走。
The other end of the coach. 在车厢的那一端。
Your passport, please. 您的护照。
Just wait a moment. Ok? 稍等会,好吗?
Sorry, I don’t quite understand you. speak slowly抱歉,我没听懂,您说慢一点
e aboard our train. I’ll be at your service during the whole journey.
Attention, please. The next station is zhengzhou(xi an).请大家注意,下一张是郑州(西安)。
Passengers for zhengzhou(xi an)station, please get (西安)的乘客请做好下车准备。
Please take your belongings with 。
We are looking forward to having you here 。
Enjoy your stay in zhengzhou(xi an).祝您在郑州(西安)愉快!
How long will this train take to go to Zhengzhou?这列直达快车开到郑州要多久?
Our train will arrive at Zhengzhou Railway Station at 18:
Our next stop will be Zhengzhou(Xian) prepare yourself for getting off the (西安)站,请您提前做好下车的准备
The destination will be reached in about twenty
Our tra