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上传人:aideliliang128 2018/5/1 文件大小:166 KB




文档介绍:Security in OPERA Specification based PLC Systems
Guiomar Corral, Josep M. Selga, Agustín
Zaballos, David González-Tarragó
Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle-Universitat Ramon
Llull (URL)
{jmselga, guiomar, zaballos, dgonzalez}***@
Luis M. Torres
Design of Systems on Silicon (DS2) SA
Valencia, Spain
Berthold Haberler
Linz Strom Gmbh
Linz, Austria
Abstract— Power munication (PLC) is a broadband munication technology that enables the use of the existing works for high speed data transmission purposes. European project OPERA (Open PLC European Research Alliance) is a project whose strategic objective is to push PLC technology in all the different and relevant aspects. Within this framework, security is an important aspect thatshould be taken into account and integrated into thespecifications from the very beginning. The project was scheduled in two phases with a duration of two years each. Phase1 produced a first PLC specification, including produced an improved specification which was
submitted to the IEEE as the OPERA PLC proposal within anized by WG P1901. The paper presents the studies related to security in the PLC access technology made within this process that led to the second security specification of OPERA. Finally, an analysis of this specification isperformed.
Keywords- access technologies; PLC; work security;
OPERA project.
Power munication (PLC) is a broadband munication technology able to use the existing works for data transmission purposes, allowing any user connected to the power grid to benefit from Information Technology based services easily. The strategic objective of project OPERA (Open PLC European Research Alliance) [1] is to push PLC technology in all the different and relevant aspects (standardization, technology improvement, installation tools and processes, services, dissemination,..) so as to allow the technology to e petitive alternative to offer broadband a