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关键词:女权, 反叛, 独立, 平等, 真爱
Jane Eyre is the most famous work of Charlotte Bronte, who is considered as an extraordinary woman novelist. Because the novel throbs with the heart-beats of its author, both literary critics and the readers have taken great interest in its unconventional heroine Jane Eyre, whose unconventionality is shown in the heroine’s pursuit of liberty, equality and independence. It is an autobiographical novel in a certain degree. This essay attempts to prove Jane is a real feminist through the analysis of her personality. Jane Eyre is a typical and magnificent representative in English literature, not only for her plain but famous appearance but also for her character’s outstanding and alien thoughts. The image of Jane Eyre is brilliant for her rebellious character. She always insists on her principle to rebel and fights bravely against the unjust world. She still tries her best to pursue freedom, equality, independence and true love. By unremitting efforts she finally gets dignity, freedom and true love.
KEY WORDS: feminist, rebel, independence, equality, true love
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..(9)
Chapter One The Development of Jane Eyre’s Resistance ……………………...(10)
Outburst period at Gateshead …………………………………………...(10)
Jane’s resistance at Lowood Institution ………………………………(11)
The perfection period at Thornfield and Moor House ………………….(13)
Chapter Two Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Independence and Freedom ……………….(14)
Jane begins to realize the importance of independence and freedom …(14)
Jane gains strength from her teacher and her friend to achieve her independence ………………………………………………………....(14)
Jane develops


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