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文档介绍:American Society and Culture 美国社会与文化
American Beginning:
I. Resident:
i. The first people to live in North America came from Asia between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago. At that time, North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge. These people may have been following herds of buffalo or woolly mammoths. They eventually spread throughout Canada and the United States.
ii. Indian Nations and Tribes: Eventually North America became populated by many different tribes of people. These tribes lived in most areas of the country, adapting to the local land and climate. Many lived in mountainous regions, others on plains. They hunted, fished, and where soil permitted they planted crops and farmed the land.
iii. Three Great Civilizations: Aztec/ Incas/ Maya
II. Discovery of New Land:
i. background
ii. Dramatic changes
iii. Protest an and Puritan
iv. The Pilgrims settlement
IV. North American colonies
V. The American Revolution
. – a new nation:
Louisiana Purchase: In 1803, the United States bought the Louisiana Territory from France. James Madison, the . Secretary of State, paid 15 million dollars for the land. The Louisiana Territory included much of what is now central United States. It stretched from New Orleans in the south to the Canadian border in the north. And it stretched from the the Mississippi River on the east to the Rocky Mountains on the West.
2. Events of the California Gold Rush
James Marshall discovers gold at Sutter's sawmill → Gold Rush starts to attract people from around the world → California es a state → Gold es more scarce Development of better mining techniques → Population of California exceeds 300,000 → Sacramento es the California State Capital → Discovery of silver in Nevada ends the California Gold Rush
3. The Civil War: The Civil War split the nation. It was the most bitter conflict within the United States. The source of the conflict between the North and the South resulted from fundamentally diff