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国泰安CSMAR 数据库操作指南.ppt

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国泰安CSMAR 数据库操作指南.ppt

上传人:miao19720107 2018/5/3 文件大小:1.82 MB


国泰安CSMAR 数据库操作指南.ppt


With the rapid development work technology and terminal capacity, the traditional single service delivery model gradually unable to meet the needs of users, position has gradually e a new model of conduct business. The users urgently need to get the application services that meet their preferences. It may be required by one or more service providers plete position of different service, so that users get the service more thoughtful, comprehensive and real-time. This paper had in-depth research of position technology and put forward a specific implementation method.
This paper firstly investigates the position research status, including related standards and mainstream solutions, then it analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. On this basis, it explores the related technologies to achieve business integration, which OWSER program was refined and improved. Because of WSDL limitations for the service interface description, this paper will introduce Semantic Web Service to it and use OWL-S semantic description of the service also with expansion of user preferences. The same time, based on the principles of Semantic Web services, we design a semantic-based Web services position process framework, which will divide position process into four processes: the construction of the domain ontology, the data structure conversion between OWL-SP and UDDI, the service matching algorithm design and the position algorithm design.
Finally, based on the framework of the process we built a position prototype system and implemented a semantics-based LBS services system. It can posite and continuous geographic information services for a variety of terminal types of user. The preliminary verification of the system confirmed the applicability and effectiveness of the the improved OWSER position program.
Key words: position、Semantic、OWL-S、Service Matching、LBS