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上传人:aideliliang128 2018/5/4 文件大小:887 KB




This air-conditioning system is designed for a administration office building in the ZhengZhou city , which is an air conditioning design for office building. Air conditioning system fort air conditioning system. Aiming for the office personnel、 visitors and providing a healthy fortable environment. Air conditioning system adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air system, such already can meet the indoor health requirements, and decorate flexible, convenient control. Zhengzhou is located in hot summer and cold winter zone, the air conditioning syetem must meet the requirements that cooling in Summer and heating in winter. According to the owns of the contidions and the local climate, the design of the ground source heat pump system ,in winter and summer the extraction of groundwater of refrigeration and heating, the winter temperature is too low, open the auxiliary electric heating to supplement .This layer of air units provide air this layer needed, fresh air is not liable for indoor load..
The main content of the design includes:select the right air conditioning system and determine the type design scheme; the building load calculation; the choice of cold and heat sources; the wind system design and calculation; water system design and calculation; duct system and the design of insulation layer of plumbing systems; preventing and exhausting smoke system for the basement; air terminal processing equipment and the engine room of auxiliary equipment selection, etc.
Keywords: administration office building central air-conditioning system, central air conditioning, fan coil


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