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House proposal on jun
Character profile
Hayao Miyazaki (Miyazaki Hayao),
prominent Japanese animation
director, the animator and cartoonist,
1941 was born in Tokyo in 1963,
the DongYing pany,
1965 and colleagues too tian zhu
beauty get married, and had two children, and the high Tianco-founded studio ghibli gentlemen.
Hayao miyazaki (みやざきはやお) was born in Tokyo in 1941 WenJingOu, in second place in the four brothers, and my father is a family business miyazaki "miyazaki air of the munity" staff. In the second world war ii war for evacuation, the family moved to the city and all yu deer marshy city
He spent much of the youth free life. The static paintings have a talent of grade 3 high school, he met the first of the love object: is DongYing animation of the Japanese the first feature-length color film "white snake" inside of the white niang son.
DongYing animation period
Hayao miyazaki in April 1963 DongYing into pany, engaged in the work of the animators. Hayao miyazaki is because of his second, there is the eldest son possessions and so can press him like in the choice of their career. Give up the cause of the ic choose according to say that is because I was said his work is in the imitation tezuka, in their own doesn't think so. He realizes that he cannot transcend tezuka such cartoonist, so choose, if not the original nor the animation.
Hayao m


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