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轮胎拆装机设计【轮胎拆卸 扒胎机】(全套含CAD图纸).zip

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轮胎拆装机设计【轮胎拆卸 扒胎机】(全套含CAD图纸).zip

上传人:做机械197216396 2018/5/8 文件大小:9.81 MB


1 轮胎拆装机设计【轮胎拆卸扒胎机】.doc [3.96 MB]
A0-总装配图.dwg [1.01 MB] 查看图纸
A1-工作台总装.dwg [253.94 KB] 查看图纸
A1-拆胎头机架.dwg [139.78 KB] 查看图纸
A1-箱体组件.dwg [159.72 KB] 查看图纸
A1-蜗轮蜗杆变速箱.dwg [369.69 KB] 查看图纸
A2-机箱围板.dwg [106.38 KB] 查看图纸
A2-蜗轮.dwg [105.41 KB] 查看图纸
A3-上箱盖.dwg [101.28 KB] 查看图纸
A3-大带轮.dwg [99.91 KB] 查看图纸
A3-旋转配气阀总成.dwg [102.19 KB] 查看图纸
A3-蜗杆.dwg [137.78 KB] 查看图纸
A3-蜗轮轴.dwg [134.06 KB] 查看图纸
A4-小带轮.dwg [95.19 KB] 查看图纸
A4-气路图.dwg [92.44 KB] 查看图纸
../A0-总装配图.exb [257.50 KB]
../A1-工作台总装.exb [188 KB]
../A1-拆胎头机架.exb [117.50 KB]
../A1-箱体组件.exb [131.50 KB]
../A1-蜗轮蜗杆变速箱.exb [129.50 KB]
../A2-机箱围板.exb [91.50 KB]
../A2-蜗轮.exb [94.50 KB]
../A3-上箱盖.exb [90 KB]
../A3-大带轮.exb [91.50 KB]
../A3-旋转配气阀总成.exb [93 KB]
../A3-蜗杆.exb [94.50 KB]
../A3-蜗轮轴.exb [97 KB]
../A4-小带轮.exb [86 KB]
../A4-气路图.exb [86 KB]
任务书.doc [31 KB]
外文翻译.doc [56.50 KB]
实习报告.doc [159.50 KB]
开题报告.doc [53.50 KB]
摘要.doc [30.50 KB]
设计说明书.doc [3.85 MB]


With the development of the vehicle maintenance industry, the demand for aircraft wheels of entry has also increased. But China's entry machine and developed countries than there is still a big gap, mainly for the poor reliability of products, short life expectancy, lack of stability, many failures and low level of automation. The subject design and production of machinery - Fast-wheel-entry and demolition births, with one child, entry-wheel motor-driven by the rotation, this design-child, the tightness card claws of two parts for the reunification of the power equipment Air pressure machine, it is for other mechanical system is simple in structure, easy to manufacture, easy to achieve self-locking and can function simply by filling the advantages of additional boost, to improve working conditions for the vehicle maintenance industry is of practical significance. The design includes: dismantling of the structural design, tire-entry control system design. Design is divided into four main parts: the first part is the introduction, the second part of the dismantling of the wheel the status quo and development trend of the third part of the programme is to design the development, design study is the fourth part of the contents. Finally, including the conclusion, thank and references.
Key words: tire-entry, automation, pneumatic, control,
1 绪论 6
选题的目的和意义 6
选题目的 6
现实意义 6
理论意义 8
: 8
: 8
2 拆胎机的结构分析及总体方案确定 10
拆胎机动力方案的拟定 10
拆胎机的结构分析 11
轮胎拆装机的总体结构示意图 11
拆装机的结构设计拟定 12
回转工作台的要求 14
轮胎拆装机主要技术规格的确定 14


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