文档介绍:董晶晶 1312012011
张叶斌 1312012012
朱其稳 1312012013
Political Parties And Elections in the UK
Political Parties
Three dominant Parties in Britain Today:
Conservative Party ( in 1832)
2. the Labor Party (in 1900)
3. the Liberal Democrats (since 1988)
The first two parties have been in power by turns since 1945)
Scottish National Party 苏格兰民族党
Democratic Unionist Party 民主统一党
Social Democratic and Labor Party 社会民主工党
Sinn Fein 新芬党
Other parties
Conservative Party
The Conservative Party, colloquially referred to as the Tory Party or the Tories, is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom.
C. the features of the Conservative Party
relatively rich and privileged, such as landowners and businessmen, often from the middle and upper-middle class
maintenance of the existing institutions as its policy
B. the nature of the Conservative Party
It is the party of the right because the Conservatives are opposed to great changes in society and have a belief in private enterprise and freedom from state control.
David William Donald Cameron ,born on October 9, 1966, with a pure British royal lineage. His father was a stockbroker and his mother was a baron's daughter. Cameron’s family ,from Inverness in Scottish Highlands, has a long history in the UK financial sector, the grandparents worked as stockbroker or financial investments for several generations. David Cameron is a British Conservative political star, in 2001 he became a member of Parliament, in 2005 at the age of 39,he became the only British Conservative Party leader. From May 11, 2010 he became the first British prime minister, 53, Britain's youngest prime minister since 1812.