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震源构造 地震原理.doc

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震源构造 地震原理.doc

上传人:neryka98 2018/5/14 文件大小:112 KB


震源构造 地震原理.doc


( 浙江省江山市 324100)
关键词震源构造地震原理临空块体- 倾倒始裂缝加速度破坏力表达系数中图号: P3153
The Earthquake Source Tectonics and The Earthquake Mechanic
Yuan Jianhua
( Zhejiang Province Jiangshan City 324100)
[Abstract]To clarify the earthquake source tectonics and the physical part of the process, the method is: differentiatint the movement phenomenon on the ground of the epicentre,which were caused by topple over stone block, depth and surrounding stratum; selecting and observing the events that have bigger effect caused by the focus of an earthquake on ground; collecting the remains of macroscopic epicenter and movement characteristics of the ground; analyzing and summarizing the meaning what it convey to the nature attributes from deep stratum on the epicentre ground. And the conclusion is: the badly earthquake is the stratum and ground movement phenomenon which are caused by some large stone free-blocks what are taking place topple over underground. The earthquake source tectonics is the "o-space block" tectonics. The earthquake es from the decrease of the gravitational potential energy that was the result of the hypocentral block topple over. The microscopic epicenter is the projection of the block impact site at the ground. The macroscopic epicenter is the surface of the area formation that was driven by the top of the hypocentral block . The major destructive es from the ground acceleration, after the crack begining appeared, which is the sine function of the inclination of hypocentral block, pointing to the direction of the arc tangent of arc movement.
[Key Words]Earthquake source tectonics,Earthquake mechanism,O-space block,Topple over


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