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2、根据基准点线激光车辙检测系统的硬件结构系统,从车辙计算软件入手, 介绍了最小二乘法标定相机,讨论了车辙图片处理的方法,最终得到线结构光的中心坐标和基准点的中心坐标,计算得到车辙深度。
3、实际搭建了模拟的基准点线激光车辙检测系统,标定了系统所使用的相机;模拟了车辆的振动引起的激光器入射角度变化的实验,采集了大量的数据, 最后通过图像处理,得到了路面车辙数据,最后验证了基准点线激光车辙检测系统的准确性和可靠性。关键字:道路检测,车辙检测,线激光器,中心坐标提取,相机标定
With the rapid development of China's highway, highway operators and management in China, e more important, the ruts in the road maintenance management inspection is a road test, the development of rapid, simple, accurate rut detection equipment is an urgent task.
In this paper, the rut detection technology status at home and abroad, and now rut detection of mon problems faced by - due to the bumps of the test vehicle, before and after pitching makes rut detection accuracy is accurate. The reference point line laser rut technology, the technology through theoretical the formula to calculate parison of data analysis and experimental verification, can confirm that the reference point line laser rut technology can reduce or even eliminate the rut detection error caused due to the vibration of the vehicle itself, before and after the pitch. Reference point line laser the rut detection technology this paper from the following aspects