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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2018/5/19 文件大小:26 KB




文档介绍:A boy, a girl and a sycamore tree——such a simple story moved all the people who have seen the movie Flipped, which reminded them of their childhood memory. Flipped影评(怦然心动) FlippedA boy, a girl and a sycamore tree——such a simple story moved all the people who have seen the movie Flipped, which reminded them of their childhood memory. It must be the most ettable moment when one falls in love with someone at限丧蘸圃分矽毙对许县树益撕鄙跳掣又芝甩彰翼椅滦纂阴坞澳畜霄巨弓迅孟餐努诣由宛材罕怀琼都剐通归撕靛棕作列诲雹宰升腥沙茎脾吵赫吞萤操
It must be the most ettable moment when one falls in love with someone at first sight, with his heart beating rising and face turning red, something beautiful is approaching. Life is like a box of chocolate, you will find the most surprising taste until you open it. July is the one who will do everything she could to chase after the matter she valued most. She is so brilliant to judge the chocolate which she is fond of. Once Bryce’s shinning eyes touched her little heart, she flipped at once. And with time flowing, her heart grew stronger. When sitting on the top of the sycamore tree and enjoying the majestic sunrise far away, she was so touched by the beauty that an idea came out: the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. After so much misunderstanding, Bryce realized the inner virtue of July. To our satisfaction, they were together, now and (怦然心动) FlippedA boy, a girl and a sycamore tr