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If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
If I had the opportunity to sit down and meet one of my idols or heroes, I e up with hundreds of questions to find out what they did to get where they are, but in particular I like to have asked Helen Keller, what would she have made of the technology available today to blind and deafblind individuals?
When Helen Keller was een months old, a serious illness almost took her life. She survived the disease had left her both blind and deaf. Her education contributed to her first teacher, Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Helen to finger spell, and manage to let her understand the meaning of words. Imagine how hard it is for a person both blind and deaf to relate words with real world objects, although she never had a chance to see those objects!
Another teacher Mary Swift Lamson who over ing year was to try and teach Helen to speak. This was something that Helen desperately wanted and although she learned to understand what somebody else was saying by touching their lips and throat, her efforts to speak herself proved to be essful. However, Helen moved on to the Cambridge School for Young Ladies and later entered Radcliff College, ing the first deaf blind person to have ever enrolled at an institution of higher learning.