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With enormous economic development since the reform and opening up, financing fraud crime is rampant, affecting the country's financial management order and endanger the safety of the property of the people. Zhejiang Dongyang richest woman Wu Ying fund raising fraud caused a sensation by the concern of the whole society, was arrested in 2007 after up to 770 million, the amount of fraud in the course of a hearing, the court finds Ying Wu a huge amount of fund-raising fraud, to the country and the interests of the people caused by a particularly huge losses, crimes are particularly serious, and therefore the Wu Ying sentenced to death. Wu Ying was sentenced to death caused by the collective discussion of the legal circles, the economics profession as well as the social sector, this crime is not a special case, just get attention in a certain social context beyond other similar cases. This can not help but provoke thinking, financial fraud and economic crime as a violation of property configured excessive penalty is reasonable. Especially the 2011 introduction of the Criminal Law Amendment drastic cancel the 13 death penalty charges, all belong to the economic crime, but there was retained financial fraud to death configure the guidelines of national policy, legal guidance role seems to be in the position: this pared to other economic crime is a greater danger to society. The reasonable penalty configuration can play an effective role to curb crime, so the analysis of fund-raising fraud criminal penalty configuration contribute bating the financing fraud crime, our penalty for this crime as the core configuration criminal property punishment and freedom, tremendous harm to society, especially the circumstances of the crime is particularly serious will be punishable by the death penalty, freedom punishment applicable to the scope of the highest proportion, property despite Scope also wide, but itself belongs to a supplementary punishment is karma, their punish


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