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文档介绍:摘 要
关键词:锂离子电池 正极材料 锰酸锂 合成与表征
The spinel LiMn204 is promising to be cathodes for Li-ion battery,due tO its relatively high energy density and low ,the capacity of spinel LiMn204 fades rapidly in tlle charge-discharge cycle has been suggested that the capacity fading is due to Jahn·Teller distortion,
dissolution of manganese into the electrolyte and position of the
how to improve the function of the spinel LiMn204
having e the hot spot studying.
In this dissertation,two methods are adopted to prepare the spinel manganic acid bustion method,the other is drying four kinds of factors including the sinter temperature,sinter time,different proportion of raw material and the amount of doped ious were discussed foT the function of the pinel LiMn20,.The structure of the
material were charactered by the X—ray apparatus,and both two material
made by different methods are proved to be spinel LiMn20,.The material were found to be granular on the shape appearance by SEM,and the
diameter of the particle were electricity circulation
functioU were measured by making the matedal as the anode of the battery. 皿e bcst preparation condition of the material was outstanding LiMn204 of anode material were made spinel
LiMn204 was a kind of li-ion battery cathode matedal,and this study was a
basis for the modification about the spinel LiMn204.
Key words:lithium ion battery cathode material LiMn204
synthesis and characterization



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