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the joyous mid-autumn festival oon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). many referred to it simply as the fifteenth of the eighth moon.
this day e and food egranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and bling black buffalo horns. some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro oonlight. of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the mid-autumn festival.
the round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled ade elon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). a golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg bols of the festival. traditionally, thirteen moon cakes id to symbolize the thirteen moons of a plete year, that is, toons plus one intercalary(闰月的) moon. uulsda e
the mid-autumn festival is a traditional festivity for both the han and minority nationalities. the custom of oon can be traced back as far as the ancient xia and shang dynasties (2000 .-1066 .). in the zhou dynasty(1066 .-221 .), people hold ceremonies to greet oon id-autumn festival sets in. it bees very prevalent in the tang dynasty(618-907 .) that people enjoy and oon. in the southern song dynasty (1127-1279 .), hooon cakes to their relati