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英语本科毕业论文 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中王尔德的唯美主义.doc

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英语本科毕业论文 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中王尔德的唯美主义.doc

上传人:aidoc6 2018/5/25 文件大小:103 KB


英语本科毕业论文 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中王尔德的唯美主义.doc


文档介绍:An Analysis of Aestheticism in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray

A thesis presented to the Foreign Languages Department of
Shangluo University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts
May 28, 2013
Class: 09级英本3班
An Analysis of Aestheticism in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray
Abstract: As a representative of aestheticism in the west, Oscar Wilde many of his works. The Picture of Dorian pleted by Oscar Wilde in 1890 is the only published novel in his short life, which is the best interpretation to his aestheticism. The novel not only presents the spirit of the aestheticism movement in the 1890 s, but also embodies the pursuit of aestheticism and the ideological trend of the inherent characteristics of the aestheticism. Although this book became a lightning rod for criticism of society at the time there is no denying the fact that Oscar Wilde's aestheticism runs through the novel.
The Picture of Dorian Gray can be analyse from the following four parts to illustrate the reflection of aestheticism in the novel: “Art and beauty above all else”; “Life imitates art, but not as good as art”; “Art is no utilitarian”; and “Art beyond morals”. Through analysis of the novel, the reader can better understand the aestheticism of art of the novel, and appreciate it’s literary characteristics.
Key words:aestheticism; art; morality; utilitarian
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2. Aestheticism and Oscar Wilde’ The Picture of Dorian Gray 2
The Definition of Aestheticism 2
The connect


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