文档介绍:摘 要
长期以来,由于人类活动的影响大汶河流域水环境不断劣化,随着南水北调东线工程的开工建设,大汶河流域水环境的问题越来越紧迫。本文研究总结了大汶河流域近几十年来大气水、地表水、地下水水动力环境与水化学环境的时空演化规律,揭示了其形成原因,结果表明虽然局部地区水环境有所改善,大汶河流域水环境总体上是呈劣化、恶化的趋势;对 2005 年枯、丰水期两次采集水样的化验结果,利用灰关联分析法进行水质类别评价,利用舒卡列夫分类法进行水化学类型分类,在此基础上研究了大汶河流域水环境现状,结果表明除了大气水质量尚可外,地表水、地下水质量都不容乐观,甚至基岩裂隙水也受到了比较严重的污染;从水量、水质两个方面系统地研究大汶河流域水环境对东平湖的影响,进而说明了大汶河流域水环境对南水北调东线工程的影响,要在 2007 年使东平湖水质达到《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅲ类水质要求,任务很艰巨;指出了大汶河流域水环境中存在的问题,提出相应的对策和建议。
The water environment of the Dawen River Basin has been degenerating for a long time because of people’s activity. Along with the building of the East Route of the South­to­North Water Transfer Project,the problem of the water environment of the Dawen River Basin es more and more serious. We have studied and summarized the space­time evolution law of hydrodynamic environment and hydrochemical environment of atmospheric water,surface water,groundwater of the past decades of years and posted its cause of formation; pointed out the water environment as a whole tend to deterioration or exacerbation. We have evaluated water quality classifications by using the grey correlation method and hydrochemical types by using Shukaliefu Method on water samples in the drought period and high flow period in 2005. In this foundation we have studied the current water quality in the Dawen River Basin. The results point out that the quality of atmospheric water is still permissible but the qualities of surface water, groundwater are unoptimistic, even that fracture water has been badly contaminated. We have studied systematically the Dawen River Basin water environment’s influence to Dongping Lake from two aspects of the water volume, the water quality, moreover explained the Dawen River Basin water environment’s influence to the East Route of the South­to­North Water Transfer Project. We must enable the Dongping Lake water quality in 2007 to achieve "Surface Water Environment Quality Standard"Ⅲ’s request, the duty is very arduous. We have