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Automobile marketing mode of Chengdu
Abstract : Since the founding of China's automobile industry from scratch, from weak to strong, rapid development, especially in the 21st century, the rapid development of China's auto industry in 2009, China surpassed the . as the largest car market. National brands have settled in China to snatch the huge Chinese market, China's big domestic brands in petition, overseas mergers began to make the country. Automotive marketing model as domestic and foreign auto giants expand, the main tool to improve sales, the major manufacturers put in it's huge marketing model cars after years of development and improvement has been more mature. At present, marketing model are: model car stores, car supermarket model, car park mode, of course, there are some new patterns emerged, such as car road mode, network marketing mode. Automobile marketing mode introduced in the late ies and the rapid development of China, and formed its own characteristics.
As western cities of Chengdu, the third living in the country of automobiles, and maintain steady growth, petition for the Chengdu market, various manufacturers have increased input into the market in Chengdu, in Chengdu, the diversity of the field a good vehicle mode, but Development is uneven, there are some problems need to improve. In this paper, the development of China's automobile industry, analyzes the current marketing monly used at home and abroad, and Chengdu market are summarized in the marketing mode


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