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优秀论文 跨流域调水工程协调机制研究.docx

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优秀论文 跨流域调水工程协调机制研究.docx

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优秀论文 跨流域调水工程协调机制研究.docx


The iIlt盯basill diVersion project is a coDlplicated syst咖e姆ne耐ng,and its co璐恤lction aIld m卸ageIIlent iIⅣolVe a 10t of cornplicated probleIIls in maIly tlle b踮is of a11aIy西ng tlle chamct鲥stic of interbaSin diversion project,柚d relevant tlleorelical rese对ches and pracdcal exp嘶ence at home柚d abmad,can弭ng on a deep discussion alld stIldy on a few some pmblerns inVolving in me coordination mecha王1ism ofinterbasin diversion project.
The researches of coordination mechallism of intcrbasin diversion e down to 狮o major one hand,it is water atmbute of diVersion project;on tlle o山盯hand,is em时aⅫ up t11e coordinating o昭a11ization syst锄,1inl【ing卅o ofⅡ1eSe at砸butes allically,a11d tal(ing discussion and researches s印arately First,stlldying onⅡle coordination of water yield in interbasiIl diversion of’f如mⅡleory aIl出e,
connict issues and measures that shollld be taken inv01ved du—ng mmsf硝ng water betweell the dis砸cts,to nom w砒cr仃ansfbring and water qualltitative an目e,h枷ng aJlalysises on t11e coordination of the water yidd a110cation mong dis研cts,a11d me use witll me local
water and transfbrred wateL Then,proposing water resollrce dispose model,to pmmote effbctiVe operation of interbasin diversion ,stIldying on me coordination of t witIlin diVersion Io tlle relcvant t11eories of me modem
enterprise system,锄billing也e management charact甜stic of t propeny projec忸,and
in de6ning the inVes仃Ilent to share proponion,to confinn the rdationshjp ofprincipal—agent in
up,encollrage a11d restraill inclusive g锄e model,to nonn its management
inside,肌d舀Ve play to and adjust prchensive bellefit ofiIlterbasin diversin t.
Keywords:IIlterbasin;Divcrsion project;coordination mechaIlism;t
论文作者(签名): i丝照 2006年06月12日


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