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The basic theory, aim, procedure and measure of the environmental programming of small town, of the environmental planning have benn reviewed. In the light of the collectivity programming of Longxing town in Yubei District, the environmental quality actuality is investigated, and the target of environmental protection and its relevant measures constituted. It is useful for improving its environmental quality step by step and making the environment and economy develop harmoniously and achieving sustainable development of economy.
Nowadays, problems faced in Longxing town are lack of environmental protection investments and environmental protection facilities. The prediction results of population and the development indexes of economy indicate that the quality of air and water will be further execrable if the necessary measures aren’t adopted, even influence the economic development and the health of residents. In order to improve the environmental quality of Longxing town, it is essential to strictly control the discharged quantities of wastes. The treatment capacity prehensive utilization capacity of wastes ought to be enlarged. The disposal ratio and the attained standard ratio for industrial wastewater must be achieved to 100%. The urban wastewater disposal plant must be built in two periods. To insure the water quality of Longxing town sect in Yulinhe, the syetem of rainwater and effluent pipes ought to be improved. The construction of virescence, ecologic agriculture and natural entironment landscape is behoved to strengthen. The goal for 2020 is that all the atmosphere quality indexes are better than the second level , the treatment ratio of urban domestic sewage is more than 80%, the virescence ratio of urban area is more than 40%, and the harmless disposal ratio of civic living rubbish attains to 98%. plexion on the unisonous development of economy and environment is formed in Longxing town.
Keywords: Environmental programming, Longxing Town, Envi