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Wireless works are a milestone of today‟munications systems. As more and more applications, and more and more attractive functions available for cell phones recently, the work has e one of the most profitable works. Therefore, effectively utilizing the limited resources of ic spectrum and thoroughly maintaining munication qualities e one of the most important issues in the management system of a work. To address this issue, channel assignment is indispensable.
The objective of channel assignment is to assign channels to mobile terminals and base stations such that work‟s capacity, in terms of numbers of mobile users and no interference conflicts, is maximal. The capacity is maximal when the call-blocking and hand-over failure probabilities are minimal. Many previous works have been done in reducing plexity of solving these problems, but for real time traffic, their designs are suffer from a few challenges such as:
Practical deployment of channel assignment in large works
Since channel assignment problem (CAP) is plete, putational intelligence approaches proposed in order to find a channel assignment that satisfies the hard constrains: co-channel constraint, adjacent channel constraint and co-site constraint, which using a minimum number of channels. However they may get an optimal solution in a resource allocation problem, but they are not pursued in the munications in which satisfy all user requests while the voice generates or call arrives in real time. Moreover, many works are proposed to solve in a small works.
Fault-tolerant Channel assignment in


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