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上传人:glfsnxh 2018/6/2 文件大小:23 KB




计算书摘要: 本设计。全长m,桥面总宽m,桥面纵坡%,%;桥垮轴线为直线设计荷载标准为:公路-级,人群荷载3 kN/m同时也给出了各部分内容相关的表格与图纸。通过这次设计不但了解设计桥梁的各个步骤,而且也能熟练的运用AUTOCAD进行制图。 ABSTRACT: The design for the upper structure of reinforced concrete beam bridge, standard span for 14 meters x 3, bridge deck headroom: net - 8 + 2 x meters, adopt the piers and gravity type abutment. Bridge deck 42m, stretches for total wide ZongPo %, 10m bridge deck, deck design elevation at the center of the slope for rice, %; Bridge collapse, design load for linear axis for: highway - Ⅱ standard, the crowd load level 3 kN/m. This paper mainly expounds the bridge design and calculation process, first makes an overall structure design of bridge, then to the upper structure force, reinforcement calculation, again, stress and deformation strength, then check the structure design and structure checking. At the same time, also gives the relevant sections of the form and drawings. This design not only understand each step of designing the bridge, but also can skilled use AUTOCAD for drawing. Keywords: cast-in-situ concrete simply-supported t-shaped bridge abutment gravity type abutment gravity type structure design checking intensity 引言设计基本资料 1、结构选型与布置
℃。地质勘察资料见下表: 土层 厚度(m) 天然重度kN/m3 承载力标准值kN/m2 承载力修正系数 预制桩极限侧阻力标准值qsik,极限端阻力标准值qpk(kPa) ηb ηd 桩周 桩端淤泥 17 100 0 30 - 含砾粘土 20 220 45 4500 中细砂 21 180


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