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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/6/4 文件大小:569 KB




关键词: 无压力输送;防倒瓶;光电开关;变频电机
As we all known that now,being towards high speed , long distance , large carrying capacity and large driving power in the continue transports , traditional chain conveyor can not meet for practical engineer requirement . So it need advanced techniue of chainConveyor analysis and desing. This thesis will introduce a no pressure transport system. It use the ponderable controller and the changing-frequency system .It can concentration manage and keep it work in the best to the transports system. It consult the forerunner mode from the foreign country bine our detailed circumstance . We develop a new auto transport system. It have the latest ponent, high intelligence , high speed and simple operation. The control object that provides a bottle of system mainly is divided into three parts: the first is to lose a bottle of machine, infuse to pack the machine and stick the mark machine of into, carry to should of change the device of frequency to carry on the control. Keep the belt conveyer and a single machine speeds ascend of synchrovous;The next in order is to squeeze the degree to carry on the sampling towards losing five bottles that bottle takes, control the related electrical engineering, make squeeze more big, take soon and more more small, take soon and more a bottle that equips everywhere according to the whole line to stop the switch appearance again, the solid hour opens to stop to deliver to take and lubricate the system ism valve to open to stop everywhere.
Keywords: transport system withoutpressure; the measurement to prevent the bottles closing down;photo el