ALT(37℃)参考测定程序建立适合国内情况的Au、活性测定(37℃)参考方法。LS ,EP-6P,EP一9A进行方法学评价,得到我们建立的ATL(37。C)标准操作程序(SOP)的相应方法学参数, ,%,线性范围为2-290U/L。使测定结果的偏差超过5%的干扰物浓度分别为游离胆红素12m∥dl,结合胆红素8m∥dl, 血红蛋白200rrl∥dl。乳糜液在浊度为17300度以下时,对测定结果无明显干扰。磷酸吡哆醛的加入可使测定结果升高,降低园人群差异而致的误差,对于参考方法而言,试剂中加入磷酸毗哆醛更符合标准化的精神。我们还对操作过程中影响方法精密度的一些细节进行摸索,指出试剂的温育时间不应少于五分钟,测定过程中需对比色杯进行润洗及加盖,用塑料棒搅拌以使反应混合液均匀等。对反应温度与试剂PH值偏差对测定结果不确定度的影响进行预测,得到数学模型。最后模拟参考物赋值过程,示范了该方法的应用。结论我们建立的ALT(37℃) S07从操作规程,方法参数到实际应用已形成了一套完整的测定方法。因此可以认为本室的ALT(37℃)参考测定方法已基本建立。
Establishment of the reference method for the mensurement of catalytic concentration of alanine aminotransferase(37℃)
Master Degree Candidate: Wang Jing Supervisor: Guo Jian
National Center for Clinical Laboratory
Graduate School of Peking Union Medical College&Chinese Academy of Medical Scenece
objective To establish the reference method for the measurement of catalytic concen仃ation of alanfine aminotransferase(ALT)at 37℃according to primary reference procedure for the measurement of catalytic concentration ofAIT at 37℃.
Methods and Resuits We 批 guided by the NCCLS documents
Ⅱ诤-,EP一9A)to eValuate the standard operation procedure for the measurement of catalytic concentration of ALT at 37℃[ALT(37。C)SOPl,get the relevant methodological deteefive limit is ,the total COfficient of variation is -%.也e linear range is 2— the bias of measurement is over 5%.the concentration of interfefing substa[1ces is as below: free-bilimbin 12mg/dl,conjugated-bilirubin 8mg/dl,hemoglobin 200mg/
turbidity ofchylis iS belOW 17300,chylis does not affect the result
add the pyridoxal一5-phosphotic acid(PPA)into the reagent,find that the result of measurement increase,the error due to difference of peoples ,as far as reference method is concemed,the reagent、埘th PPA iS more in line wit}l