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上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/6 文件大小:1.47 MB




Funeral facilities are indispensable part of people's lives. However, the traditional Chinese culture for funeral-related matters is negative, which leading both theoretical system and the actual construction of funeral facilities in the related fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape ecology, and the urgent lack of research. ing an urgent problem to be solved.
Today's funeral facilities include two categories of funeral architecture and burial facilities, and is divided into four sub-systems of the funeral parlor , funeral service centers, cemetery , the ashes Storage Floor. Funeral parlor which serve the entire region with the help of funeral service centers is the core of funeral facilities. The burial facilities need bine the status needs and the distribution of funeral architecture to determine their layout in the city. The entire funeral facilities both individual subunits, and is a coordination whole. Funeral architecture in China's future functions will gradually diversified, and should be added to the processing of garden art. Meanwhile, Burial facilities should be to have a development. With the three-dimensional ecological, and garden aiming. At the same time, to reduce the waste of natural resources and pollution of the environment, it is encouraged to worship through work to create a virtual platform.
After the implementation of the funeral reform, the service system, supervision and management, rescue protection of the funeral industry has a certain degree of perfection. However, in the material aspects of the funeral facilities, the waste of land resources, loss of ecological landscape, the imbalance facilities configuration, the space lack of reasonableness are still exit. And funeral facilities in China at this stage only assume a basic funeral function, lack of culture, education, tourism and plex functions positioning. Meanwhile, China is only a few cities have the the funeral facilities special planning, lack of professional


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