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The rapid urban development and the increasing car ownership brings many social and environmental problems, such as air pollution, traffic congestion, energy shortage, poor urban quality and urban security issues. The "car-based" planning and development model worsens these problems. People began to think about and explore new concepts of planning and development, to make the city develop in a more ecological, healthier, more livable and more sustainable way. Car-free development is one of the important areas that many countries explored and practiced sustainable urban development in recent years, aiming to ease the problems brought by car development and to achieve the goals of people-oriented urban development. Combined with the actual situation of China, the study of the theories and methods concerning car-free development and planning has important theoretical and practical significances in transforming urban development models, achieving sustainable development of urban transport and eco-city development goals, and shaping livable urban environment ideas.
The research object of this thesis is the car-free planning of city center. First of all, it studied the car-free related theories at home and abroad, such as new urbanism, green transportation, elaborated and analyzed the concept of car-free development; pared and discriminated the various ideas. bined with domestic and international cases of car-free development, it analyzed and summarized the car-free planning objectives and principles, as well as the planning elements of city center, including regional scale, land use, external transportation support such as public transportation and parking, and internal transportation such as walking and bicycle, as well as transfer planning of internal and external traffic. On this basis, the thesis made a further exploration on car-free development planning in the planning bined with the planning and design of Changzhou’s northern downtown. Finally it refine


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