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qut csc scholarships.ppt

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qut csc scholarships.ppt



文档介绍:e to QUT
QUT/CSC Scholarships
CSC is a non-profit institution with legal person status affiliated with the Ministry of Education.
China Scholarship Council is financed mainly by the state's special appropriations for scholarship programmes.
The tasks of the CSC are to use legal and economic means to manage the affairs of the Chinese citizens studying abroad and of the foreigners studying in China
CSC consists of mittee and a secretariat. The secretariat is in charge of implementing the work principles and plans formulated by mittee of management regulations
China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Numbers and Areas
70 % students are in following areas

munication and Information Technology
Life Science and Public Health
Material Science and New material
Energy Sources and Environment
Engineering Science
Applied Social Sciences and WTO-related areas
Universities in 49 countries receive CSC sponsored students
Priority areas – National Science and Technology Development Plan
Energy resources
Water and minerals
Manufacturing Industry
Information industry (included digital media)
Population and health
Technological study on urbanisation and city development
Public security (includes public health)
National defence
Priority areas – cutting edge
New materials
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced energy technologies
Ocean technologies
Laser technologies
Space technologies
Hold a unconditional offer from QUT to study a postgraduate research degree (PhD priority) at mencing in Semester 2 of each year
Have an approved full tuition fee waiver from QUT for the degree
Be a citizen and permanent resident of PR China at the time of application
Not be currently working or studying in Australia at the time of application
Must agree to return to China at the end of the period of study
Satisfy the selection criteria set out by CSC pleting the CSC application form and the employer reference form. T


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