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上传人:mh900965 2018/6/11 文件大小:26 KB




文档介绍:Plot, the Important Elements of a Story
As far as I am concerned, the book The Woman in White is worthy of reading twice. It’s an interesting story. And what touched me most is the attractive plot. After finishing this book, I realize that the plot is one of the essential elements for a book to be a best seller.
While I was reading The Women in White, I always guessed what would happen next, and I always failed to make the right conjecture. But it didn’t make me depressed. Instead of being dismayed, I became more and more interested in the book. In my opinion, a fascinating book has to keep its mystery from the first beginning to the end. And the readers never know what will happen next so that they will keep on their readings.
For the book The Woman in White, when I first saw Percival Glyde, the , Laura’s fiancé, I regarded him as a respective, smart, humorous gentleman. I fell in love with the characters at the first sight. I looked forward to his wedding with Laura, and I thought they will have a happy ending. But in the next page of the book, it showed that Mr. Percival was a bad guy. There were much evidence which are relevant to his crime so that I gradually accept the idea that Mr. Percival was involved in some guilty job, but again, it seemed that he was innocent and he was a good man. In order to find out the real character of Percival Glyde, I kept on reading an


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