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英文版 新年习俗.doc

上传人:aibuaiwo1318 2018/6/11 文件大小:22 KB


英文版 新年习俗.doc



文档介绍:The customs on Spring Festival
In China, the preparations for the Spring Festival, in anticipation for the “Year of the Dragon” can reveal many traditional Chinese customs.
Let’s look at the transportations. Most Chinese people choose to spend this “most important festival” with their families and their friends, so they are heading home. Students and migrant workers are certainly included in the group, they are returning to distant provinces, expecting to be with their loved-ones. They may have not seen their families for a long time. So it is a time, when all of China seems to be on the move. The railway stations and bus stations are full of people who are eager to get home. Public transportation during China’s Spring Festival is stained beyond capacity. We can say “The whole country is on the move, every year, during China’s Spring Festival.” Getting home, to be with family, is the undeterred goal of every Chinese during Spring Festival.
Before the Chinese New Year’s Day, people go to markerts and buy special purchases for Spring Festival, including fish, meat, wine, vegetables, fruits and candies for the celebration. Everyone would like to buy more, for celebrating the last year’s harvest and ing the new year . And people also clean houses before Chineese New Year, wash various utensils, and wash beddings and curtains. That custom means that people hope to get rid of the


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