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近几年来,计算机技术和信息技术的迅猛发展极大地影响着企业信息化建设与管理,在过去的几年中,几乎所有的大型企业和政府都组建了自己的局域网[3]。局域网与广域网的接入,在企业信息管理系统中扮演着重要的角色,包括用户、管理员、等不同用户,可以有不同的使用权限与使用方式,有效地替代了原有的人工管理模式。的发展,网上书店系统成了电子商务网站不可缺少的一部分。这样可以使用户在任何时候、任何地点(只要他能上网)都可以进行在线图书订购。网上书店系统(On-line bookstore system)是指通过计算机网络,采用科学的管理和先进的数据库技术对企业的各种信息进行全面的管理的计算机软、硬系统;是计算机技术、管理科学和分析测试技术的集合体[5]。管理信息技术提供了系统各种信息存储、交换和统计分析的网络化平台,可促进系统高效、科学运作和规范化管理,管理信息系统的功能随着计算机网络技术和仪器的飞速发展而呈现出跳跃式的发展趋势。
本系统用ASP ESS数据库开发的B/S模型系统,使得用户只要在一处登录便可以进行系统操作和信息管理。
关键词: 管理系统计算机技术数据库技术 ACCESS数据库 ASP
In the last few years, puter technology and the information technology swift and violent development enormously is affecting the enterprise information construction and the management, in the past several years, nearly all major industries and the government has all set up own local work [ 3 ]. The local work and WAN'S turning on, is acting the important role in the enterprise information management system, including user, manager, and so on different user, may have the different use jurisdiction and the use way, effectively has substituted the original manual management pattern. Along with work popularization and the development, the on-line bookstore system has e a merce website essential part. This may cause the user at any time, any place (so long as he can access ) all may carry on the on-line books order. The on-line bookstore system (On-line bookstore system) is refers through work, uses the science the management and the advanced data bank technology carries on prehensive management to enterprise's each kind of information puter to be soft, the hard system; Is puter technology, the management science and the analysis test technology aggregate [ 5 ]. The management information technology has provided the system each kind of information storage, the exchange and the statistical work platform, may promote the system to be highly effective, the science operation and the standardized management, the management information system the function presents the ju


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