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文档介绍:Heineken overviews
Background for Heineken
Vision & Goals
Heineken’s Core Values
Heineken sale a round the world
Brand strategy
Main Risks for pany Strategy Analysis
Questions & answers
Background for Heineken
Single-product business ---Beer
140 years ago in 1864
founder’s name – Gerard Adriane Heineken which use to bear the brand name
Experience four generations of the Heineken family
Now ,one of the world’s great brewers, Company throughout Europe and the rest of the world.
Some data for background
170 brands
Famous brands : Amstel®, Cruzcampo®, Tiger®, Zywiec®, Birra Moretti®, Ochota®, Murphy’s® and Star®.
54004 employees In 2007
million hl
own more than 115 breweries in more than 65 countries brewing a Group beer volume of million hectoliters.
Heineken sale a round the world
Western Europe
Central and Eastern Europe
The Americas
Africa and the Middle East
Asia Pacific
For more details, see appendix
Aims for sustainable growth as a broad market leader ,segment leadership
 Four priorities for action include: 
to accelerate sustainable top-line growth.
to accelerate efficiency and cost reduction.
to speed up implementation: mit to faster decision making and execution. 
to focus on those markets where we believe we can win.
Vision & Goals
Heineken’s Core Values
Three Core values
strategically important for the long-term ess
Respect for individuals, society and the environment ,honors local laws and regulations.
Bring enjoyment to life
Passion for quality
Our business only works if we make great beer
Brand Strategy
Build a strong brands portfolio bines
the power of local and international brands
Brand Center: Heineken and Amstel.
Position Heineken :premium brand, except for home market in herlands.
position Amstel : mid-priced mainstream segment, the largest segment of the market In Europe, and is available in more than 90 countries around the world.
Brand portfolio