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文档介绍:Structure of the Mind, Child Development & Love:
Sigmund Freud
Starting Questions & Key Words
Freud’s Premise
Psyche; an example
Sexuality, Love and Desire
Child Development, Repression and Sublimation
(assignment for next week)
Key Words
Sexuality, libido, pleasure principle
id, ego, superego,
Reality principle, Repression and sublimation
child development: Erotogenic zones, oral, anal and genital phases; Oedipus/plex, castration fear
Freud: Three Premises
1. most of the individual's mental processes are unconscious.
2. all human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we would call sexuality. The prime psychic force is libido, or sexual energy.
3. Because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses, many of our desires and memories are repressed.
The Unconscious
--cannot be pointed at; can only be "diagnosed."
--the reverse of consciousness; takes a large part of our mind.
Making itself manifest through "gaps"-- unintended lapses in memory, slips of tongue, puns and dreams  tip of an iceberg
Our Psyche: three models (textbook pp. 149-51)
More and more specific descriptions of our mind:
Dynamic: the interplay of forces within the mind, or the tensions that develop when instinctual drives meet the necessities of external reality formation of the mind out of the body and its experience of pleasure and pain
Economic: For self-preservation, ego negotiates between “pleasure principle” and “reality principle”
Our Psyche: three models (2) (textbook pp. 149-51)
3. Topographic (地形) –2 kinds of three-fold division
The conscious – perceptual or sensory consciousness which orders reality;
the preconscious –the elements of experience which can be called into consciousness;
the unconscious– desires, images and ideas unknown to and repressed by us.
Our Psyche: Topographic model (2)
morality p.
repository of conscience & pride
Follows reason and morality
circumspection protect society
. internalized parental