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高级英语lesson 15 no signposts in the sea.ppt

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高级英语lesson 15 no signposts in the sea.ppt


文档介绍:Lesson 15
No Signposts in the Sea
V. Sackville-West
About the author
Victoria Mary Sackville-West (1892-1962), an English poet and novelist.
Born in Knole Castle, the seat of the Sackville family from the time that Queen Elizabeth I gave Knole to her cousin, Lord Treasurer Thomas Sackville.
A member of the Bloomsbury group (布卢姆斯伯里团体. 1907~1930年间经常在伦敦布卢姆斯伯里区一些人家里聚会讨论美学和哲学问题的一批英国作家、哲学家和艺术家。主要成员有福斯特、斯特雷奇、、(1879~1961)(1885~1978)、、(1880~1969)和吴尔夫(夫人)。
She was born in Knole Castle
Knole is an English stately home (富丽堂皇的住宅) in the town of Sevenoaks in west Kent, surrounded by a 1,000-acre ( km2) deer park.
Bloomsbury Group
The Bloomsbury Group was an informal group of literary and artistic friends who lived in or near London during the first half of the twentieth century. Their works deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality.
The Bloomsbury Group came from mostly upper\ middle-class professional families.
Almost everything about Bloomsbury appears to be controversial, including its membership and name.
Same-sex relations mon among the Bloomsbury Group
In 1913, married to diplomat and critic Harold Nicolson (1886-1968)
Her passionate affairs with women like novelist Virginia Woolf , etc. (Bisexuality)

Her works
After their marriage, they traveled widely when he was in foreign office.
At first she played her role as a dutiful wife, but then her husband admitted that he had a male lover. The marriage endured despite their homosexual affairs, but Harold's affairs were less passionate than Vita's.
They had two children, the art critic Benedict Nicholson and the publisher Nigel Nicholson.
Harold Nicolson
Virginia Woolf
British famous novelist, had great contribution in novel creation and literary review.
Also one of the most famous novelists of Stream of consciousness in the world.
Forerunner of feminism,