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新英语 ab.doc

上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/6/13 文件大小:68 KB


新英语 ab.doc



文档介绍:fantasy (also phantasy)
n 1 [U] imagination or fancy1(2), esp pletely unrelated to reality 想像, 幻想(尤指完全脱离实际的): [attrib 作定语] live in a fantasy world 生活在幻想世界中. 2 [C] product of the imagination; wild or unrealistic notion 幻想出来的东西; 荒诞的或不现实的念头* Stop looking for the perfect job it's just a fantasy. 别想找十全十美的工作了--那简直是幻想.
n 1 (a) [U] suspecting or being suspected 怀疑; 涉嫌: regard sb with suspicion 怀疑某人* He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money. 他因涉嫌偷那笔钱而被捕. * Her behaviour aroused no suspicion. 她的举动未受怀疑. * After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive for it. 一罪案发生後, 有作案动机的人自然受到怀疑.
(b) [C] ~ (about sth/sb); ~ (that...)
belief or feeling that sth is wrong, that sb has done wrong, etc 疑心; 疑忌; 猜疑: I have a suspicion that she is not telling me the truth. 我疑心她没对我说实话. * It appears to be genuine, but I have my suspicions (about it). 这看来好像是真的, 不过我(对此)有怀疑. 2 [sing] ~ (of sth) slight taste or amount 些许味道; 少量; 一点儿: a suspicion of garlic in the stew 炖菜中的一点大蒜味* a suspicion of sadness in her voice 她声音中的一丝悲伤. 3 (idm****语) a,bove su`spicion too good, honest, etc to be suspected of wrongdoing 不受怀疑的: Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion. 在犯罪现场附近的人无不受到怀疑. under su`spicion suspected of wrongdoing 有嫌疑; 涉嫌.
v 1 [Tn, ] ~ sb (from sth) wake sb from sleep 唤醒某人: He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell. 他午睡时被门铃吵醒. 2