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Neuropathic pain - STUD:神经病理性疼痛的螺柱.ppt

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Neuropathic pain - STUD:神经病理性疼痛的螺柱.ppt

上传人:ocxuty74 2018/6/14 文件大小:149 KB


Neuropathic pain - STUD:神经病理性疼痛的螺柱.ppt



文档介绍:Neuropathic pain
1. Mechanism
2. Characteristic
3. Diagnosis
4. Treatment
Neuropathic pain
Mechanism of pain: caused by cancer
pression - nerve pression caused by a collapsed vertebra
total tumor mass = neoplasm + surrounding inflammation
nerve infiltration by cancer
nerve injury
Neuropathic pain
Mechanism of pain: caused by treatment
postoperative (neurotomy)
phantom limb pain, post-mastectomy pain
radiotherapy (fibrosis) . Brachial plexopathy
chemotherapy - peripheral neuropathy (wincristine, cisplatine, taxol)
Neuropathic pain
Mechanism of pain:
post-herpetic neuralgia
diabetic neuropathy
post-stroke pain
uraemic neuropathy
Neuropathic pain
Pain characteristic:
superficial burning pain
spontaneous stabbing/shooting pain
boring and radiating pain
allodynia - pain caused by a stimulus which does not normally provoke pain
hyperalgesia - an increased response to a stimulus which is normally painful
Neuropathic pain
clinical examination
neurological examination
Neuropathic pain
I. Adiuvant analgesics
II. Corticosteroids
III. Analgesics (opioids)
IV. Neurolysis, spinal analgesia
Neuropathic pain
Corticosteroids (reduces total tumor mass) . Dexamethason 16-24mg at the begining and then reduse dose
Antidepressants - tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, desipramine, doxepin, imipramine, clomipramine)
SSRI (paroxetine, citalopram, fluoxetine)
Neuropathic pain
Amitriptyline is effective in migraine and other types of headache, chronic low back pain, post-herpetic neuralgia, fibromialgia, painful diabetic polyneuropathy, central pain, cancer pain.
Superficial burning pain, allodynia = tricyclic antidepressants
10-25mg nocte at the begining; max 75mg
relief may not occur for 4-5 days, for effect you have to wait even 1-2 weeks
Neuropathic pain
Anticonvulsants - carbamazepine, gabapentin, valproate, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine
spontaneous stabbing/shooting pain
carbamazepine 200-1600mg; effect after 10-14 day


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