文档介绍:Questionnaire on Tourist Behavior
Dear Sir/Madam,
e to Xi’an! We are conducting a survey on the international travelers’ behavior models. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes. The responses that you give in this questionnaire will be kept confidential. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
A. Please circle the answer(s) for each of the following questions about your trip.
1. This is the ______ time you visit Xi’an. 1) first 2) second 3) third or more
2. How long are you going to stay in Xi’an?
1) 1 night or fewer. 2) 2~3 days. 3) 4~5 days. 4) 6 or more days.
3. Are you traveling with a tour group? 1) Yes. 2) No.
4. Are you traveling with your family/friends? 1) Yes. 2) No.
5. What sources of information did you use in planning this trip?
1) Myself. 2) My family/friends. 3) My travel agency.
4) Traditional media (eg. newspaper) 5) Modern media (eg. ).
6. What is the primary consideration in planning your trip?
1) Destination. 2) Price. 3) Brand. 4) Convenience.
7. Other destinations you’ve planned for this trip include _____________________.
B. Please circle one number for each statement indicating the level to which you agree regarding the motivation to visit Xi’an..
Strongly Disagree——1; Somewhat Disagree——2; Neutral——3;
Somewhat Agree ——4; Strongly Agree——5
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
1. Entertainment and relaxation 1 2 3 4